Pastor ed gungor scandal tv

Ed gungor

Megan Anderson, wife of popular worship artist Jared Anderson says she’s watched her former pastor Ed Gungor lead 4 churches over 25 yrs, while she’s lived with an open secret—that he .

pastor ed gungor scandal tv

Pastor ed gungor scandal tv

The Rev. Ed Gungor (left) speaks with disgraced pastor Ted Haggard and his wife, Gayle, during a service at Sanctuary Church in Tulsa.

Pastor ed gungor scandal tv show

Ted Haggard, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals who was forced to resign after it was revealed he had been involved in a sex scandal with a male .
Pastor ed gungor scandal tv series
But according to a Washingtonian magazine investigation, SGM’s leadership allegedly suppressed years of child sexual abuse within in its membership and actively .