Steve jobs apple computer biography

How old was steve jobs when he started apple

Steve Jobs (born February 24, , San Francisco, California, U.S.—died October 5, , Palo Alto, California) was the cofounder of Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple .

steve jobs apple computer biography

Steve jobs' wife

Steve Jobs, born on February 24, , was the co-founder of Apple Inc. and Pixar Animation Studios.

Steve jobs family

Steve Jobs (Feb 24, – October 5, ) was an American businessman and inventor who played a key role in the success of Apple computers and the development of revolutionary new technology such as the iPod, iPad and MacBook.

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Steve Jobs merupakan salah satu pendiri perusahaan Apple Computer yang kemudian berkembang menjasi Apple Inc. Bersama pendamping Apple Steve Wonzniak, Mike Markkula dan Lainnya, ia merancang, mengembangkan dan memasarkan salah satu komputer pribadi pertama yaitu seri Apple II.